Modified version of Chris Pederick installscript from WD.
Author: Jed Brown (
Version: 0.6.x
Last modified: May 25th, 2004
****************** */
const author = "Jed Brown";
const displayName = "QuickNote";
const name = "quicknote";
const version = "0.6.2";
var contentFlag = CONTENT | PROFILE_CHROME;
var error = null;
var folder = getFolder("Profile", "chrome");
var localeFlag = LOCALE | PROFILE_CHROME;
var skinFlag = SKIN | PROFILE_CHROME;
var jarName = name + ".jar";
var existsInApplication = File.exists(getFolder(getFolder("chrome"), jarName));
var existsInProfile = File.exists(getFolder(folder, jarName));
const SUCCESS_MESSAGE = " can now be found under the Tools menu, as a toolbar icon (TB and Fx only) or accessed by the hotkey CTRL-F7 \n Please restart the application or open a new window for completion.";
initInstall(displayName, name, version);
// If the extension exists in the application folder or it doesn't exist in the profile folder and the user doesn't want it installed to the profile folder
if(existsInApplication || (!existsInProfile && !confirm("Do you want to install the extension into your profile folder?\n(Cancel will install into the application folder)")))